> 文章列表 > amount to none(amount to)

amount to none(amount to)

amount to none(amount to)

关于amount to none,amount to这个很多人还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、短语 A amount to B,它的中心意思是,A和B的效果一样。

2、细致点说,有两层意思(但其实殊途同归,都可以总结为\"A等于B\")(1) if figures, sums etc amount to a particular total, they equal that total when they are added together. 就是“总计,合计”;(2)if an attitude, remark, situation etc amounts to something, it has the same effect. 可以理解为“相当于、意味着”。

3、比如: Her words amount to a refusal.她的话等于拒绝。


5、Yet the correlation alone amounts to scant evidence of the claimed cause-and-effect relationship.逻辑就是:correlation alone = scant evidence of cause-and-effect relationship通俗的说就是:要证明“因果关系”,却只拿“相关关系”说事,就跟没说一样。

